Chicken Burrito Quality Recipe

Chicken burrito

“Tex-Mex chicken burritos are a delicious way to make use of leftover rice, and this recipe is also a delicious way to make use of leftover chicken as well. The combination of spicy chicken, creamy beans, and fragrant rice creates a satisfying and filling meal. 

The burritos can be served with salsa or guacamole for added flavor." The burritos are filled with shredded chicken, refried beans, Mexican rice, and vegetables, all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla, making them a healthy source of protein and fiber. The addition of cheese and salsa adds an extra layer of flavor, making this dish a satisfying meal for any occasion.


  • Four skinless, boneless free-range chicken thighs ✅
  • Paprika sweet smoked 1 tablespoon ✅
  • Ground cumin, 12 tablespoons ✅
  • Oil from olives ✅
  • Garlic cloves✅
  • 2 bunches of fresh coriander ✅
  • Black or pinto beans in a tin of 400 grams ✅
  • Chilled leftover white or brown rice, 200 grams ✅
  • Lime, 1 ✅
  • Tomatoes, 4 ripe ones ✅
  • Onions, four ✅
  • 1 lettuce with small gems ✅
  • Flour tortillas - 4 large ones ✅
  • Cheddar cheese, 80 grams ✅
  • Greek yogurt, 4 tablespoons ✅

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Step 1:

Preheating a griddle pan over high heat is imperative in order to ensure excellent results. While this is happening, place two sheets of greaseproof paper between two pieces of chicken thighs. With a heavy pan, pound each one to a thickness of 12.5cm using the base of a pan. This will enable you to achieve a thickness of 12.5cm by bashing them with the base of the pan. As soon as the chicken has been popped into a bowl, it should be tossed with paprika, cumin, and vegetable oil. It would be best if you also seasoned it with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

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Step 2:

It is then necessary to place the chicken on the hot griddle and mix thoroughly so that the chicken is well coated. Turn the barbecue halfway through the cooking process, and cook for another 10 minutes, or until the outside is charred and the inside is cooked through. It is recommended that you allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes before using it.

Step 3:

In the meantime, while you are waiting for the garlic to be peeled and sliced finely, peel and slice the onion. Set aside the leaves from the coriander plant and chop them finely, then set the stalks of the plant aside and pick off the leaves. As a general rule, one tablespoon of oil should be heated in a large frying pan over medium-high heat, garlic, and coriander stalks should be added, and the garlic should be fried for a minute until it becomes fragrant.

Step 4:

I recommend that once the beans have been drained, rinsed, and added to the pan, they should be fried for a few more minutes. This is because they have been drained and rinsed. Cook the rice for a total of five minutes, or until it is crispy and piping hot throughout, stirring occasionally throughout the cooking process. For this recipe to be successful, you need to finely grate the lime zest, roughly chop the coriander leaves and then add half of them. Stir well after you have removed the pan from the heat and removed it from the stove.

Step 5:

Before adding the tomatoes to a bowl along with the lime juice, the tomatoes should be roughly chopped and the spring onions should be trimmed and finely sliced. This is before adding them to a bowl. Combine the chopped coriander leaves with the remaining coriander leaves and mix thoroughly, seasoning to taste with salt and pepper. As soon as the lettuce and chicken have cooled, shred them using a shredder.

Step 6:

A tortilla should be placed on a griddle for one minute to soften it up, after which it should be placed on a board to cool down. One-quarter of the fried rice and beans should be placed in the middle of the tortilla. Add a generous spoonful of salsa, a handful of lettuce, and one of the shredded chicken thighs to the tortilla. Top with a generous amount of salsa. To make the dish even more delicious, you can add a spoonful of yogurt and some grated cheese to it.

Step 7:

You should wrap the Chicken burrito up and then tuck it in at the end. Continue serving the remaining ingredients as the process continues, using the remaining ingredients as you proceed.

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